Productivity and Automation

Filters are a way of filtering waiting tickets into different lists based on tags. Snappy does include a few preset Filters which include:

  • Inbox - All waiting unassigned tickets
  • Yours - Waiting tickets assigned to you
  • Waiting - Tickets that are waiting and assigned, but not assigned to you
  • Mailboxes - To see all waiting in a particular mailbox
  • Team - To see all open by a certain person.

If you need something more advanced you can create your own Filter via your account settings.

Any user can create a Filter in the Filters tab of Personal Settings.

  1. From the Tickets view, click Add Filter in the Filters menu.
  2. Complete the fields in the Add Filter form to create the view you desire.
  3. Click the Save Filter button. The new filter will now appear in the Filters menu.

Add Filter Fields

Name: The identifying name of the Filter. This field will appear in settings and the Filter menu.

Shared: Specifies if other members of your team can see and use this Filter.

Limit to Mailbox: If you have multiple mailboxes and you want to restrict this Filter to only show tickets from a specific mailbox, you can select it in this field.

Type: Specifies if the Filter will show tickets that have any or all of the tags listed in the Tags field.

Tags: The tags (or assigned users) that tickets must have applied to be displayed when the Filter is used.

Sort By: The field on which you want the tickets sorted by.

Sort Order: The method of sorting, ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Make this Filter your default: When this option is selected, this Filter will be used as you main view in TIckets.

From the Tickets view, select the Filter you want to apply from the Filters menu.

In the Add Filter or Edit Filter form, check the Make this Filter your default option and save the change.

Phrases are shortcuts that allow you to insert common responses into your replies. These are shared across the account with other staff.

The shortcut is what you would type to have the phrase automatically insert the text, tags, and attach any documents.

Inside the text you can add @@@@ as a placeholder that allows you tab to each section.

You can also use phrases in your email responses.

Go to the Phrases tab in Personal Settings (You-->Your Settings). Then click the Add Phrase button.


Complete the form and click the Save button.


Add Phrase form fields

Name: The name used to identify the phrase in the Phrases list and insert menu.

Shortcut: The text you can type into a ticket that will insert the phrase into the ticket. This must begin with a semicolon ( ; ).

Response Text: The text that will be inserted when the phrase is applied.

Tags to Apply: Tags and assignments that will get automatically assigned to the ticket when a phrase is used in it.

Documents: Any files that you want attached to the ticket whenever the phrase is used.

You can insert a Phrase by selecting it from the Phrases menu or by typing a Phrase shortcut into the ticket message.

Phrases menu

To insert a Phrase from the Phrases menu, place your cursor in the message body where you want the Phrase inserted and select the Phrase from the Phrases menu.


Phrase shortcut

To insert a Phrase using the Phrase shortcut, just type the shortcut set for the Phrase, starting with a semicolon ( ; ) and press enter.


Triggers allow you to build Snappy that is custom tailored to your workflow. Sending e-mails and text messages; Adding and removing tags; notifying team members; calling an external URL... all of this and more is a breeze to configure, and will save you time each and every time they run.

To create a trigger you can simply select the conditions that you would like to match and then select as many actions as you need.

Some examples could be:

  • Adding a specific tag when a ticket is escalated.
  • Send an SMS when a priority customer has a request
  • Notify an external service when a new ticket is created.
  • Reply with an auto responder on the weekend.
  • and so much more...

If you are wanting to match a contact email you can use * as a wildcard. For example: Contact Email Includes *domain*

Administrator and Owners can create triggers from the Account Settings window:

Click Settings in your Organization's menu.


Select the Triggers tab.


Click the Add Trigger button.


Complete the form and add one or more conditions and one or more actions.

You can create a trigger that will automatically assign tickets to staff members based on conditions like time of day, message or subject text, sender email address, or receiving mailbox.

If you're not sure how to create a new trigger, see How do I create a Trigger?.

Step 1: Name your trigger

Enter a display name for your trigger in the Name field. This name will appear in your list of created triggers; so make sure to give it a name the accurately describes what the trigger does.


Step 2: Select your trigger type

The trigger type determines if you want the trigger to be applied to new tickets or when existing tickets are updated.

  • If you want your trigger to be applied to new tickets, select Created.

  • If you want your trigger to be applied when existing tickets are updated, select Updated.

Step 3: Select the condition type

The condition type determines if the trigger will fire when all conditions are true or when any one of the conditions are true.

  • If you want the trigger to fire when all conditions are true, select All.

  • If you want the trigger to fire when any one of the conditions are true, select Any.

Step 4: Specify the conditions required to fire the trigger

Every trigger requires at least one condition. When the condition is true, the trigger will fire and apply all actions (set in step 5) to the ticket that matches the condition(s) you set.

Each condition type has its own unique set of required parameters. What you specify as these parameters determine which tickets will match the condition.

Common examples of conditions for ticket assignment:

  • Message of email includes specific text

  • Receiving mailbox is

  • Current tags are #sales

Step 5: Add actions

Actions are what happens when any or all of the conditions are met. Each trigger requires at least one action, but you can specify as many actions as you need.

To automatically assign staff to a ticket:

  1. Select the Add Tags trigger.
  2. Type "@" followed by the name (handle) of the user you want to assign and press enter to add it to the field.
  3. To assign additional users, repeat step 2 for each user.

Step 6: Save the trigger

Once your trigger is set up as desired, click the Save Trigger button.

It's highly recommended that you test the trigger by sending or updating a few tickets to make sure your trigger is working as you expect it.

Example auto-assign trigger setup


Snappy has a sophisticated spam filter, but no spam filter can catch everything. For those pesky emails that keep getting through, you can set up your own custom filter that will move spam to the Archive.

To create a custom spam filter, use a Trigger. See How do I create a Trigger? if you don't know how to get started.

Spam Trigger Recipe

Set the Trigger type to Created and Any.


  1. If the email address is always the same, use the Contact Email + Includes condition

  2. If the email address is always different, try to find some unique text in the body or subject of the message and use the Message + Includes or Subject + Includes condition.

  3. You can add as many conditions as needed to this trigger.


  1. Use the Set Status action and set it to Replied.

Here is an example setup


The Report section is where you can view all data gathered into reports created by you and your team.


1. Report: This is the data and charts for the current report selected.

2. Today: Display a report for ticket activity for today.

3. Widget: Display a report for Widget activity for the desired date range. Current 1-day period is the default range.

4. My Reports: Reports you have created and not shared with your team members.

5. Shared Reports: Reports created by you and your team members have created and shared.

Reports are designed to be flexible and allow you to create various types. You can create your own report by clicking the You -> Your Settings in the top right of Snappy. From the Reports tab you can then add or edit existing reports.


The shared setting allows the report to be shared with all the other staff.


The report type is used to determine what kind of report you would like. These can be Ticket Count, First Response Speed, and Resolution Speed.


Tags allow you to limit the report to certain tags. This is useful in situations where you would like to differentiate into sections.


This allows you limit your report over a number of relative days or an absolute range.


The grouping determines how the chart is built and the type.

The landing page for the Reports area is the Daily Report, which is 4 distinct reports to provide a high-level look at the activity of Snappy.


Today's Tickets

Broken down by each hour of the day, this report shows requests opened today (24 hour period)

Top Categories

Shows the top categories that have been assigned.


Shows the top staff that have been assigned requests.

The wall is a unique feature to Snappy that allows you to share tickets, notes, and information with your entire team. These are broken down into FYI, Brag, Problem, and Posts.


You can share either a whole ticket or a specific note from the ticket to the wall. Both of these are handled via the ticket modal window.


We have a public GitHub repository for our API documentation. You can find it at