You're in the right place! All the details you need to use and administer Snappy are here.
Snappy supports all of the regular and extended Markdown syntax. We've documented some of the most common ones below.
*italic* → italic
**bold** → bold
[BeSnappy]( → BeSnappy
Unordered Lists
* Do A
* Do B
* Do C
Ordered Lists
1. Do A
2. Do B
3. Do C
Block Quotes
> This will be some
> quoted text.
Snappy makes this simple by using special tags instead of tedious forms.
To assign a ticket to someone else you simply go to the tags bar and enter the @ symbol which will show a list of staff that it can be assigned to.
Categories use the # prefix to designate that it's in a category. For example if you want to mark the ticket at sales you would add the "#sales" tag.
Priorities work the same as the others. You would use a prefix of !1 for the highest priority all the way down to !5. Keep in mind Snappy only looks for those first two characters so you can add additional text to better clarify. For example: "!1-important".
The Snappy Widget allows you to add a help widget into your site or your web based application.
You can get your custom base embed code inside your Snappy account under your Company menu->Widget.
Copy the embed code and paste it just above your closing </body>
The embed code supports the following data attributes outside what is shown in the code sample:
data-position="bottom right"
data-name="John Doe"
The position of the button on your site. Possible values are:
The language you would like the widget UI to be in. You can omit this to use the language defined in the widget settings. Some possible values for this are:
We have additional languages supported. Contact us if you do not see the one you need listed.
A one or zero flag that allows the contact form to be turned on (1) or off (0).
This is a persons name which is used to pre-fill the name on the contact form.
This is a persons email which is used to pre-fill the name on the contact form.
This is the title or text of the widget button. It will default to "Help & Support" if not supplied.
This sets the background color of the button. It will accept any valid css color selector. You can also customize the button via CSS. By default it uses the #snappy-faq selector and you can over ride by adding a more specific selector such as body #snappy-faq
If you would like to pass any custom attributes that are sent via the contact form. Some examples could be application data or customer data.
data-custom-plan="Paid Plan"
This is a special option that will prefix all questions with their id. The use case for this is to allow you to find the id for advanced integrations described.
By inserting the id of the faq you can have the widget open directly to this section. Use the data-debug attribute above to find out the id of the one you want to use.
You can forward emails from your existing email accounts into Snappy. For this to work your mail server will need to support the proper email forwarding headers, most modern mail servers do including Gmail and Exchange.
Using your existing email accounts provides a seamless transition for customers. In addition, since you're only forwarding the email to Snappy your mail server will maintain a copy of the original emails as well.
Exchange supports several methods of forwarding. The most simple is to use mail rules which can be setup from Outlook/Web mail.
The final step is to edit your Mailbox in Snappy (Account->Mailboxes) and set the "from address" to the email address you'd like to appear to customers as the FROM.
You can connect your email to Snappy in a few ways:
If you want to use your existing email address, you can set up email forwarding with you email client. See our FAQ on email forwarding for more details.
If you want to add our widget to your website, you can read more about how to do that in our Snappy Widget Setup and Advanced Integration FAQs.
You can read more on this subject in our blog post Integrating Customer Support Email into your Website with Snappy
Markdown / HTML: You can use Markdown and HTML in the Mailbox Signature field to add links and images.
Markdown / HTML: You can use Markdown and HTML in the Email Signature field to add links and images.
FAQs are created in FAQ section of Snappy. For instructions to creating a knowledge base in the FAQ section, check out our blog post: How to Create a Great Knowledge Base. The instructions are located in the second part of the article.